Righto, I have discovered I'm lousy at the balance act of an authors life of late.
I've been working lots, writing less and reading even lesser.
It's a shame that I like stuff or I wouldn't have a day job.
Stuff is addictive. lol
So today I was up from about 5am after hubby who was out late last night looking for a missing boy in the boy, called me to let me know he was found. I was so happy and elated I couldn't sleep and I have one of those torturing imaginations that start to imagine the what if's with my own children. So out come my escape-my kindle.
I was gifted WAITING ON FOREVER by Ashley Wilcox and I tell you what, it wasn't long before I was lost in the story and laughing. Yeah this one had me laughing instead of sobbing which is a nice change actually.
You can find my review on my review blog http://anindieaffair.blogspot.com.au/
It was a nice change to read actually. I truly miss it.
How can an author miss reading? Well how the hell do you think I became an author?!
I would have finished it earlier had I not reminded myself I need to BALANCE it all out. I have to get housework done, dogs, kids and write.
I ended up promising facebook followers I would write today...oh yeah, I had to post on fb too. Balance remember. lol
Now before I get to the writing part of my balancing act of the day I thought I would share my thoughts and woes over my balancing failure as I doubt I'm alone out there...YOU aren't alone out there.
Before I go, I just want to say thank you to Ashely for helping me escape today.
Happy reading, writing, balancing,