Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pitching to Sarah Fairhall, Commissioning Editor for Penguin

It was absolutely and without exaggeration a party in my mind when I saw that Sarah Fairhall, commissioning editor From Penguin was in the line-up of editors to be accepting pitches at 2012 RWA conference at the GC.
I’ve slaved over my characters and their story for over a year now and I’m almost halfway through the third book in the series but was ready to pitch the first hoping that it would catch on like a cold and Sarah Fairhall would feel compelled to take it on―no, scratch that―snatch my series from my very hands or computer as it were because I have exactly what she asked for.
This was the dream for August, until today when life threw me a curve ball and conference just wasn’t meant to be.
That’s right guys; I’m not attending this year after all. But don’t be saddened or disappointed by the loss of opportunity unless you’re referring to the opportunity of seeing me that is. Lol. No I’m referring to the loss of pitch to Sarah because- 
I have said over and over again in many a blog including mine that I have gotten this far by not giving up and I’m sticking to that philosophy, I will find a way to pitch to her even if it’s merely a query latter on her email.
The point I’m making is that when life…wait what’s that saying? ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ Ah, I don’t think that’s quite it but I’m sure you get the gist and to stress my standpoint again because it has to be the best piece of advice I will ever give without doubt- Never, ever give up!!!!!

...Sarah Fairhall, look out for my email.

Happy writing and reading


Rachael Johns said...

Gutted you won't be at conf. But good luck with your email pitch :)

Unknown said...

Thanks babe!

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

It's disappointing you won't be able to attend Kerri. But yes, I agree. I took a photograph of a sign in a shop window recently, and posted it, Never ever give up.

Unknown said...

Oooh, I think I need to get a framed picture like that for my house, it would make a great family motto.