A must do for all romance writers!
Before you go to the major confrences I think you should seriously consider doing this online Claytons Conference first.
You get to know other aspiring authors who have that problems you do and others who can help you with them.
There was great workshops, where personally I got a lot out of.
No wonder I have been published, I had neon signs flashing in my mind that 'This is the stuff to get me my dream!'
I actually won a review of my first chapter from Annie West for the best pitch on day one.
Yes, you read right- The Annie West!
Whoo hoo!!!
I can not tell you enough how much this conference has brought me out of my shell and others too I noticed.
It was more personal, even with the Authors who donated their time for chats and workshops. I don't think you would be able to be that personal at a major face to face conference.
Now I'm not beating them down, I know they offer a lot Claytons cant, ie, the the pitch to publishers and editors etc. But here I was able to practice them and see the differences with mine to others.
Oh, I could go on and on but this is just a quick update.
I also want to take a quick moment to say thanks to Rhian and Sandie for their time and organisation. Without them we would not have had such a great time. Ta, ladies.
I think you deserve some down time, by the pool maybe Rc. lol.
So, to sum it up- I had a great, fantabulous time, learnt heaps, would do it again and recommend it to everyone!!!
Now I have to go apply my new learnt tools to my ms
Happy writing
Before you go to the major confrences I think you should seriously consider doing this online Claytons Conference first.
You get to know other aspiring authors who have that problems you do and others who can help you with them.
There was great workshops, where personally I got a lot out of.
No wonder I have been published, I had neon signs flashing in my mind that 'This is the stuff to get me my dream!'
I actually won a review of my first chapter from Annie West for the best pitch on day one.
Yes, you read right- The Annie West!
Whoo hoo!!!
I can not tell you enough how much this conference has brought me out of my shell and others too I noticed.
It was more personal, even with the Authors who donated their time for chats and workshops. I don't think you would be able to be that personal at a major face to face conference.
Now I'm not beating them down, I know they offer a lot Claytons cant, ie, the the pitch to publishers and editors etc. But here I was able to practice them and see the differences with mine to others.
Oh, I could go on and on but this is just a quick update.
I also want to take a quick moment to say thanks to Rhian and Sandie for their time and organisation. Without them we would not have had such a great time. Ta, ladies.
I think you deserve some down time, by the pool maybe Rc. lol.
So, to sum it up- I had a great, fantabulous time, learnt heaps, would do it again and recommend it to everyone!!!
Now I have to go apply my new learnt tools to my ms
Happy writing