Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back to business

Holidays are over and it's time to get back to the biz of writing.

It's funny how you miss things, during the very quick two week period I missed writing.
After getting into the habit of writing at least two thousand words a day and not doing it, I started to get withdrawls. Yet now, a week out of the hol's and I need to dedicate myself to the challenge once again.

I absolutely loved every moment with all the kids, there were seven of them in my household this holidays plus us two parents, and it was fun!
No I'm not crazy.

Anyone ever seen the great family movie CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN? see it, it's crazy. Yet, I'd love it!

That being said, the excess children have all gone home and I'm left with youngest two and they are back at school and need a routine, I'm actually not far off that need. I need a routine!

So once again, with the experience of 50k in 30days, I have decided to routinely write at the same time of every day.

Hehe, I should have said, I hope to not I have decided. Life gets in the way sometimes. But overall I find I get a lot more done.

It turns out I work better under pressure and within a dead line- GO FIGURE!

Well, enough rambling, I'm off to check out how you all are doing and to write some more. I love this WIP, it's exciting.

Happy Writing



Amanda said...

Good one Kez... glad you're back onto it!!

Will we be seeing you at the conference?!


Sandie Hudson said...

I'm glad you had such a great time on your holidays. I use to love having my kids home for scholl holidays. Mind you though I was nt writing back then.

Writing routines is important, but so are family. If you can find just one hour day to write then work that into your day and go with it.


Sussan Marz said...

Welcome back. It's great to have a routine - all the best!

Unknown said...

Thanks ladies, it's always great to hear from you. your encouragment means alot to me
happy writing