Thursday, July 31, 2008

Must See Writing Rules!

Found this on the net, I thought it was brilliant. SUITS ME TO A 'T'!
Also check out Jean Drew's article on query letter, she did a great job.
Whats happening out there fellow writers, I've been surfing again and your AWOL.
Maybe your writing, which I should be doing.
Happy writing everyone.


Rachael Blair said...

Hey there... I just titled a new post on my blog AWOL and then I came here and saw your comments - how funny.

But I have to say I LOVE THIS POSTER! How good would this be blown up huge on the wall??


Sussan Marz said...

Hi Kerri, something's in the air. I've been AWOL, and after visiting blogs this week, realised most of my online friends have also gone AWOL.

Anyway, cool poster.

Unknown said...

The spinal chord of writers, we all think alike. hmmm.
There must be something said about being AWOL then. Am I missing something? A haven of yummy men maybe?
I better not show this comment to DH. LOL
Happy writing and welcome back

Anonymous said...

Hi Kerri,

Loved the poster, might copy it and hang it on my wall.

I am guilty. I have also been AWOL. But am feeling energized (like the little bunny) and feel that this is the month for some great writing.

Amanda said...

Busy Busy Busy = AWOL!!

Love the poster... are we seeing you at the conference?!