Well holy batcrap Robin, I have been nominated for the sweet blog award by fellow writer Suzanne Brandyn.
Thanks chick.
The idea is now that I have received this prestigious award nomination is that I have to share seven random facts about myself, so I'll ramble them off and then nominate ten others for the chance to win.
- I'm a survivor of cancer from the age of eleven.
- Was able to have children after medically proven i cant time and time again- ha I proved them wrong although DH thinks he's superman.
- I have been lucky in love with DH since I was sixteen and still have the hots for him.
- My children are widely known as the lollies.
- Im an introvert disguised as an extrovert.
- every emotion i have is rigged to my tear ducts.
- My nanna Collins is like my heroine in life.
So that's it for me, now for my ten nominations-
Good Luck everyone and I look forward into finding out more about you.
Happy reading and Writing
You are a truely amazing person Ms Williams! and the bestest roomie ever. xxxx
no you are!
Thanks Kez, but you can't nominate the person who nominated you. Lol.. those are the rules, but lovely thought, thank you. :)
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