Saturday, October 3, 2009
Working Hard
Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, especially after my promise of doing so, but I have been busy writing, working and living.
Damn work is such an inconvenience on my life. lol.
So here' my update- I am still waiting to here from MB but I understand it will be a while before I do because everyone dreams of writing for them therefor there are a lot of submissions for them to go through; despite what I drill into my husband, the world does not revolve around me. boohoo.
So instead I am working on my other ms that still requires alot of tweaking and the last three chaps. I have hit a snag where i have the internal conflict bringing them together and holding them apart. They want a future together but she wont fully commit because her 'secret' will destroy them.
Then the external conflict brings them together but he forgave her too quickly.
Dang! I don't know, like I said, it needs tweaking.
So now you know where I have been. I have not dropped off the face of the planet or won lottery or blew away in the last two dust storms.
I am here trudging away, bleeding from my finger tips and going bald. haha.
I hope you will all forgive me and I will try better from now on.
love to you all
happy writing
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
RWA Conference update
Annie West and Trish Morey delivered a wealth of information.
I'm sorry my e-pals didn't recognise me with my dark hair, I will get to putting up an up to date picture; the dark hair through you all off.
So, here's an update on the e-pitch with HQN UK. Bless them, I received an email of request of a partial.
How very exciting!
They had already gave me positive feedback for the first chapter but have request another two.
I know, I know. Don't get too excited, you say. But how could I not?
To get this far is a dream.
Any way, this was just a quick update. I have heaps of work to do and a partial to send with my fingers crossed.
Oh, and good luck to those ho pitched at the conf and was asked to submit a partial also.
Happy Writing
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I Finished It!
I'm not familiar with erotica reads but I truly enjoyed this.
New. Fresh. And it worked for me.
I laughed, giggled like a school girl and wanted to attempt my come-hither eyes on DH; poor man. lol
I was totally engrossed in her imagination of the New Zealand mythology, it was refreshing.
Loved the immediate chemistry between them and especially loved that she was presented like a real woman. A woman with curves-voluptuous all over; well that's how I describe myself. hehe.
All in all, I'm going to have to buy more of Shell's work.
Thanks sweety for the entertaining day.
For those who haven't read it yet- Do so!
Now I'm inspired to perfect my own ms.
Shelley Munro: Make That Man Mine.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ally Blake
I wanted to share the article with everyone who dreams of being published by HQN because it's extremely helpful.
I remember trying to breakdown my ms to figure which line it would fit into and i had gotten it wrong, which meant i waisted my time and resources and the editors of HQN.
Ally has broken it down for dummies like me and I sure wish it was around when I first sent my ms out.
I hope it's as helpful for someone else as it was to me.
Thanks Ally.
Happy Writing
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
RWA Confrence Booking
Yay! I have booked my flight, which FYI, was quite expensive. But after weighing up the options, it was the lesser of two evils.
I have booked my room and paid for my conference booking- I'm sending it tomorrow.
So, it's set.
I have been sooooo busy with my promotion and trying to finish this ms so I can pitch.
That being said, I'm off for now but before I go I want to know who is going.
I'm nervous, conference virgin and all and would love to hear from who ever is going so I know who to look out for.
Look forward to hearing from ya's.
Happy Writing
Friday, March 27, 2009
To Be, Or Not To Be...
Uh-huh, that's right people. It's fast approaching and DH said I can go.
What's the catch I hear You ask.
All I need to do is find the moola to go, in which, I believe is possible.
The early bird price is until may, but I think I can do it.
I'm sooo excited and yet sooo very nervous.
Arabian Nights is the theme this year, yikes. But I know Suz will look fab though.
I've been kick'n A in my writing and touch wood, I'm hoping I will have it done by Conference time.
Now all that being said, in case something goes bad at my end and I cant go, is there going to be a Claytons this year?
I hope so, it was helpful and I loved 'meeting' other writers and it was helpful.
While I'm on the subject of helpful, I love listening to music.
Different types give me inspiration. Depending on what scene I'm writing is what music I listen to, same goes for my plotting.
What do you do? Does music effect you in the same way?
I tried to upload one of my favourite pieces but I couldn't. I will however give you a link on the side to his music. I love him. You may also recognise him from Harry Potter and Twilight saga as an actor. He's a gifted fella, isn't he.
Happy Writing and listening.
P.S, are you going to the bris conference?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Oh, how naughty I have been.
In fact, someone could have called DOCS this week. but let me start from the beginning- intrigued aren't you.
So, week one i was still a slave to facebook. But don't worry, there's no need for a an intervention, i now have control. Also facebook can't keep you occupied every spare moment, but the new addiction I has found took over my life in week two.
My house is a pig pen that I'm trying to now sort out, washing has mounted up and the ironing is scary, so what phenomenon took over me for seven days....
TWILIGHT saga by Stephanie Meyer.
yes i read the whole series in seven days, no scratch that. If i had a whole seven days to read it would have been done in two. Instead they were read in every spare minute/second of my time. i would stay up late even though i had an interview with my boss the next morning. i would be running late just to get in a couple of pages in. i would get to work ten minutes earlier to sit in my car instead of socialising in the lunch room with my work pals.
I was addicted to life of Bella and Edward.
Now if any of you are aware of this story and think its just for the teenagers- you are dearly wrong. This saga is for any true romantic.
yes, Bella is only seventeen when this all starts, as is Edward, but she is an old soul and he has been around since the war.
Oh their love is intense and i fell for the gentleman-Edward.
I have never read a paranormal, but if this is what it would be like well they are my new fav.
If you haven't read Twilight, do so. you are missing out on something special.
I only just finished the last one a couple of hours ago and I feel a little lost.
My kids and hubby look the same, I have folded my washing and tidied my house to a point i could live with until tomorrow, and i can finally get to my ms.
But i say these things with a heavy heart, i miss those characters and want more.
I don't think she will write a continuance but i wish she would.
Stephanie Meyer is a gifted writer, simple enough for the youthful to read and yet brilliantly imaginative and captivating.
10 out of 10. READ IT! i haven't even seen the movie yet.
got to go, I'm inspired to write.
happy writing
Sunday, February 8, 2009
WIP update
okay, I'll be honest. The damn Facebook has also taken a bit too much of my time. Dang-nabit. lol
If you have joined facebook, you'd know what I'm talking about, but I have been putting in the hard yards like a good girl and I think it's coming along famously- well I'm hoping. hehe
Got go, check out Nicola's blog
Happy Writing
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Closet readers.
Oh, gosh. Where do I start?
Well let's start with my day at work yesterday. I was so excited when three boxes of M&B books came in. FYI- I work at Target, and for those who don't know, Target carry a great range of M&B books. Anyway, as I was saying, the three boxes contained next months books and within a couple of hours a woman came in with a list. No, just back up a little.
first she came and saw me and asked if she could get some help with some books. I then asked her, 'what kind are you after?' fully expecting her to ask about the new Twilight series that seem to be the bomb at the moment.
Has anyone read these yet? I admit, I have bought all of them because ratings said they are suppose to be the next Harry Potter.
Anyhow, back to our lady customer- she then went quiet and said ' mills & boon' ( like it was a dirty word that she would be scorned for.
How disheartening, I felt like saying, 'Hey, there's nothing wrong with them!' But I'd probably get fired.
So I then asked her, 'what one are you after?' She then replied, and this is the exciting part- 'I have a list.'
HUH, I could have fallen over, this woman who couldn't even mention the publisher without being embarrassed had a list.
But it doesn't stop there, when I took the list from her I think I may have had a micro-faint, you know, like a micro-sleep. There were 19 titles on this list of hers.
19! Uh-huh, you read right, 19. Just in case you still can't believe what your reading and think I'm a dummy and numerous typo's- NINETEEN!
So, off I went into the reserve sifting through the boxes for the titles she couldn't wait to hit the shelves.
If anyone ever had doubts to whether there was a good turn over in the M&B books, I'll tell you now. At work we sell plenty, be proud to be a reader and stop sitting in the closet thinking your the only one- YOU ARE AMONG FRIENDS. lol
Maybe they need to place a sign like that above it. hehe
More news- I'm back and writing again. I took some great advice and tried not to stress about it. I read a M&B- I'm a proud reader! it was an old but still a goodie in the ever growing collection.
I don't know why but I can't part with my books, I need a room just for them. hehe
I'm continuing on with the wp from 50k in 30 days because I still feel it's my best so far, it needs quite a bit of tweaking but what doesn't.
I was feeling quite depressed there for a while, I couldn't even look at the blogs let alone manage mine.
I miss you all and cant wait to enjoy the new year.
How as your school hol's?
Happy Writing