Thursday, May 31, 2012
And the race begins with 50k in 30day challenge (in 30min)
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Author Spotlight Shines On Alice Wade

I graduated from University of California, Santa Cruz with a degree in Psychology. I am a Marketing Professional by day, writer by night and have devoted myself to using the written word to motivate emotional responses. When I am not writing, I love camping with my family (two step daughters plus husband), learning to fly fish around California, and playing with my two Boxer dogs.
I’ve always had an idea for a novel in my head that I kept saying, ‘one day’. Well, that ‘one day’ came about three years ago with a challenge my husband delivered – he dared me to write it. He regrets challenging me, because I’ve not stopped writing. He had no clue it what would happen, hahaha. Through this experience, I’ve proven that anything is possible if you just try, as evident by the accomplishments to date. I have written a total of nine novels, two of which are being published with Eternal Press. Talon (April 2012) is an Erotic Paranormal Romance and was be the first to release. This is followed by the first book in the Flame Thrower Saga: Flame Thrower (May 2012) which is an Erotic Fantasy. I’ve also got one more novel (Gem) in the works and the chapters can be found on my website. I am not formally trained; have not really taken creative writing classes; and I was not part of any writing groups before I began. I really only had a passion for reading and knew what it was I liked with the books I read. I just wanted to emulate what I enjoyed so much in my own work and continue to strive for that today.
I love your story, it always amazes me how we started. p.s I love camping too.
I know you write different genres like myself but do you have a certain theme or trademark to your stories?
Oh yes, I am a fantasy gal through and through. If I write something without magic, elves or dragons, I could be accused of being ill. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve written other genre’s before, but my trademark happens to be the fantasy elements I bring into any story I write.
And you do it well.
Do you have an agent and how important do you think they are in the publication world
Agents are critical, but the path to publication is a very individual one. Everyone gets here differently, and I’ve yet to find ‘the one way’ or ‘the right way’ to get published. I don’t have an agent at the moment, however it is my goal. That is, once I get the courage is to find one for my Mass Market Sci Fi Fantasy novel.
How do your stories come to life, from fiction or fantasy?
I love writing wounded souls and how they find their way. I love to write the emotional responses horrific events can generate, and I know they are not the most endearing of content, but they stir up the reactions I am shooting for. Another thing that I love to write is that I am addicted the fact that love can heal all wounds and very few characters are irredeemable. I like to find the worst thing that could happen and spin a romantic plot around the solution. Surprise, surprise! Sometimes this takes me into dark and twisted places. In reality, I truly believe that in bad times, the way we react defines our true nature and it’s in those situations where I search for my inspiration. What better way to highlight a hero than have him save the woman he loves under the worst of circumstances?
Mmmm, heroes. Especially buff ones like yours. The give me the whole Spartacus feel. Mmmm, Spartacus.
Are you a ‘go with the flow’ writer or do you have structure?
I don’t outline, I don’t do detailed character maps and I don’t draw the entire plot out. I usually only have a focus (magic, elves, fairies, etc) married with a problem (quest, issue to be resolved, etc) and then my hero and heroine. I then start writing and it may take at least two chapters before I settled on an approach but once I do, it moves pretty quickly. When that happens, I typically lock myself away because I’ve entered ‘the zone’ and it’s really difficult to pull me out of it. I am known to snarl at people who want to chat when I am in the middle of a complicated scene and they try to interrupt the process. LOL. It’s best to just leave me be until I get it written.
After I’ve written the bulk of the chapter, I will then go back through and polish what I’ve written with emotions, descriptions and enhancements by filling in the holes. It is pretty common that I will go over each chapter at least three times before I will send to a trusted friend to do a proof read. Depending on the complexity of the story, this process could be days or weeks.
I equate the process to cooking – you start with a basic recipe but every chef will modify it to make it theirs, make it unique. That’s all I do. Start with the foundation that I’ve churned out and then I build on it from there by adding the emotions and character development. The final act is filling in the holes I may have missed before it is presented.
Wow, that's so interesting how you do this process chapter by chapter. I'm too impatient that sadly, but I am thinking of giving it a try.
Have you always wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
I originally wanted to be a experimental psychologist studying sleep. I had grand plans, I really did. However personal beliefs (I refuse to test on animals) prevented me continuing on with my PhD, so instead I found my way into a marketing department of a college textbook publisher working on the psychology book list instead. If I couldn’t write books or practice psychology, at least I could help bring them to life – even if they were text books. From there, I’ve done different marketing roles and since it’s become my professional career.
Good on you, a woman who keeps to her principals no matter the cost.
What groups are you affiliated with and how have they helped you through your journey of publication?
I am a staunch believer in such groups. After struggling by myself for about six months, I finally stumbled across a friendship that I still hold dear today. That friend and I began a writing group, and found new authors like ourselves and created a safe environment to grow and share our ideas without ridicule. I also am members of multiple online sites where I post my stories and received feedback and votes and participate in virtual communities about writing. I’ve also found social media channels like Twitter and FB to be quite powerful to connect with others.
I would say these interactions and groups have been critical in my writing career. What I had was an immediate group of amazing authors (you all know who you are!) who guided me by providing critic and support. I also return the favour though. I edit, read and critic their work as well, which helps me sharpen my own skills. This community allows me to practice on both sides – editing and writing. I am honoured to have had that experience.
Awwwwe, bow to the girls!
How much marketing do you involve yourself in and with the mass consumption of social media, does this play a part in your marketing choice?
I will not lie, the social media portion of marketing terrified me. My friends still laugh because I didn’t join FB until March of 2011, or get my first Twitter account until May of 2011. I had never seen a blog until about six months ago. Now I am dialled in with a website, blog and multiple FB and Twitter accounts (personal and writing). I’m now blogging (online and radio) and doing virtual book tours. Yeah, you could say I’ve fallen off the wagon.
Social media plays a dominant role in my marketing. The power and reach all the different channels provide is insane and should not be ignored. I’ve enjoyed my crash course, but I will not mislead you, I am still learning.
At the moment, I would say I spend more of my time marketing than I do writing. So yeah, I spend a lot of time focused on that. I know that is just because I am supporting two book launches, and once I get organized, I will be able to find my rhythm. My goal is to find a balance between marketing and writing, but for now, it’s slanted towards marketing.
Here’s a random one for you. If you could be one animal, which would it be and why?
A dog because I a loyal and trustworthy. Seems like a good fit for me, don’t you think?
Me too.
What would you say is your inspiration to write in general and scene based?
It really depends. If I am writing a fighting scene or a battle, I usually look to history as my influence. The best examples to use are from our past and can be the best inspiration for fiction. For magic or fantasy, I think through all the thousands of stories I’ve read and tried to find a unique way to spun something that has been told hundreds of times before. For the emotional scenes, well that is my psychology training. Overall, nature inspires me at every turn. I am constantly finding influences from sound, to light to landscape.
With your titles and covers, did you get much of a say in this matter and how important is it to you to have input?
If you mean in the cover design and the editing, then yes. Eternal Press included me.
For my cover art, they designed them around direction from me and I had the opportunity to comment. I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, but I love what I got regardless (Dawne is an amazing designer). In the editing, a good editor is one that partners with the author to polish off their work. They are also critical to copy editing, since the author should not be expected to catch those little things. If you wrote it wrong, you will edit it wrong. Again, it should be a partnership.
Do you have any tips for other aspiring writers or authors out there?
Don’t give up! Ever! If you work hard at what you love, you will succeed. I am proof of that, because I didn’t intend to be a writer and stumbled into this by accident. I love it, and have worked hard at getting better. Find a writers group (there are many out there) or start your own – but get feedback and loads of it. If you are serious about getting published, create your community on blogs, Twitter, FB and online venues where you can post your stories. Get involved and stay involved. The most important thing to remember is to stay in love with what you are doing and have fun. Without that, writing will become a chore not a passion.
Well said!
So, I think we’ve gotten to know you a little now. How’s about we step it up a notch. Are you panicking? Lol. Do you have any dirty little secrets or confessions you’d like to share with us- what’s on the blog stays on the blog, right guys. (wink)
Yeah, I blush while writing my naughty scenes! I have a very G Rated approach to my writing, that it is an embarrassing push to write the erotic. I am fairly reserved and old school, therefore I didn’t tell anyone other than my close friends and husband I was writing romance novels. It wasn’t until I got published when I had to ‘come out of the closet’ about my other writing life, LOL. I still remember telling my mother for the first time, and her reaction was classic! She laughed and said, “Oh Honey, I’ve read it all. You can’t shock me.” Ha ha! Who would have known my prim and proper mother had ‘read it all’.
Don’t get me wrong, the steamy scenes are easier to write now, but I still blush while doing it.
I was scared because my Nan would read it. lol
Where’s your favourite place to write?
At home with my family surrounding me even if my mind is lost somewhere in one of worlds.
If I am writing a new story and have to enter the ‘zone’, I will lock myself away and just write. If I am tweaking, editing or adding flavour, I will plop myself in front of the TV with my family and kill two birds with one stone. I don’t outline ideas or jot scenes or characters down. I think about them first and then cut loose and let the story tell itself as I write. Once I have the shell down, I will go back through and add flavour, tweak the dialogue or give more depth to my characters.
Tell us of your releases- where and when can we buy them?
I have two releases: Talon and Flame Thrower. You can buy them through my website, or at places like and Barnes&Noble. I’ve included the links below.
Talon, Erotic Paranormal Romance
Talon is my one and only paranormal novel, merging my beloved fantasy with that of vampires. Blending vampires and elves, hmm, it makes total sense to me, doesn’t it to you? I don’t have your typical elf envisioned in my head, and I’ve never written them to be small, skinny and delicate. My elves are more warrior-based, tall and strong. Which absolutely fits with a vampire, so this made perfect sense to blend the two.
Vampires only fear one name -- Talon. The elven prince and his mate, Kailani, have made it their mission to hunt down the violent vampire covens that have been destroying hundreds of innocent lives in their pursuit of selfish and depraved entertainment. Their strategy would have been fool-proof, except for one problem: Talon and Kailani are vampires too.
But when they enter a castle overrun, they realize they are out of their league. The vampire leader has stolen elven magic, something Talon takes personally and can’t fight alone. This sets them on a path of redemption, destruction and closure. Along the way, they pair up with two humans who are destined to become the family Talon craves.
Pick up a copy of Talon:
Flame Thrower, Erotic Fantasy/Romance
Flame Thrower is more my traditional style of writing and the first in a series of six books in the Flame Thrower saga. It spins an interwoven epic timeline spanning three different kingdoms and the families involved. It’s an adult fairy tale with some serious heat. However, this is romance novel, through and through and the tag line on the cover sums up perfectly - ‘Love heals all wounds through blood and sacrifice’. This first book sets a story arc into motion that carries through the entire erotic saga.
While out hunting with his men, King Ryan of Yorath finds a badly-beaten woman who had been left for dead by her attackers. He is surprised to discover that she is none other than Tillian, the Princess who had been reported missing by messengers from the neighboring realm of Folkyn.
Despite her injuries and the circumstances behind her disappearance, Ryan is swept by an immediate attraction for Tillian, and his vows to never marry are tested when he learns the truth behind her abduction. Tensions rise as Ryan's overwhelming need to protect Tillian leads them straight into a war that will change their lives and their kingdoms forever.
Pick up a copy of Flame Thrower:
I’ll tell you is my motivation behind King Ryan from Flame Thrower. It is somewhat personal, so not many know it. To highlight the meaning, I’ve included an excerpt from the book that captures the moment.
He spun around and closed the distance between them. He
passionately clasped her face with both his searing hot hands, and
then kissed her soundly on the lips. The abruptness of his contact
caused Tillian to pull back but his insistently gentle lips teased
hers open and he dipped his tongue into heated depths where he
plundered her mouth until they both moaned in unison.
The touch instantly cooled his anger and the magic boiling
within simmered down to a manageable level. She was his balm,
his control. Tillian. Only Tillian. Ryan deepened the kiss, letting
her lips soothe his anger and remind him she deserved more than
his wrath. She deserved to be cherished.
His reaction overwhelmed her and his kiss...oh, the kiss. At
first contact, the scorching heat almost burned her, but it faded.
When he deepened the caress, she felt her insides melt. Not only
with the feel of his tongue but also the taste of him, the smell of
him and the feeling of his body against hers was just too much.
Tears fell freely down her face while this man, this king, delivered
the loving kiss filled with passion that she feared she’d lost. She
felt her hope grow that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t rejecting her.
After a long moment, he pulled back but kept his lips touching
hers for a moment longer. It was because of that contact that she
felt him smile. His breathing was labored and his body trembled
while he clutched her to his chest in a painful embrace.
Resting his forehead against hers, he finally spoke softly. “I’m
so sorry, Tillian.” He sighed. “I was angry and almost lost control
of my magic. I feared I’d hurt you so needed to walk away. It is
beyond me that you’ve had to deal with such pain at the hands of
your own family, your own Father for that matter. I’m of a mind to
kill all those who have brought you harm, Tillian. I know Akland
and he is high on the list of guilty persons.”
Ryan leaned back and looked her in the eye. “You are not going
back. I was going to seduce you to stay, but that was before I
knew who organized this. I’ll not return you to a man who would
willingly whore his stunningly beautiful daughter to that low life
scum. Absolutely not. You deserve to be cherished.” He kissed
her again then whispered, “I want to do that cherishing, Tillian. I
want to remove this pain and fear I see in your eyes and I want to
make you laugh. You are not going back.”
Ryan’s mission to make her laugh is something that carries through the entire saga straight through to book 6. Irfan’s one horrific act torments Tillian for the rest of her life, but I’ve written Ryan to be her ever protector; her one reason to never give up.
The inspiration for Ryan’s behavior and the feeling of safe harbor he created was a personal experience of mine and one that is still fresh in my own mind. I experienced something so profound that it rocked me, rattling me to my core. I lost someone very dear due to cancer and it changed me forever. I had my very own King Ryan though, and without the safe harbor my husband created, I would have drifted and been lost. He reminded me it was okay to feel the sorrow and to feel the pain in order to find a way past it. I hate crying, but he allowed me a safe place to do it, giving me permission to be sad. His actions alone helped me heal. So when it came time to create Ryan and all that he is, I modeled the feeling I had during that time and asked myself ‘how would Tillian be feeling and what she would she need?’. Love…Safety…Trust. That is what. I wanted him to heal Tillian and help her find her way back from the sorrow. Through love.
I have a confession to make now, my hero in my current MS is a Talon also. Hahahaha
In one word, how would you best describe yourself?
Now that we’re all friends, tell us your most embarrassing moment?
Uh, no way, LOL. I try not to remember them!
Do you have any upcoming signings or author appearances you would like to share?
I am just finishing up my two month long book tour this month with this amazing interview. It’s a perfect way to close it out, I must say. If you want to see where I’ve been, please visit my Event Page on my website and stop by some of awesome places I’ve had the honor of appearing over the past two months.
I plan to continue with my interviews on my own blog so I can keep discovering new and incredible authors to highlight. That experience so far has been extremely rewarding and plan to continue with that as time allows.
I also plan to keep writing – a lot. I have more books I’d like to publish and a handful that are humming in my head to be told. One of which has six chapters posted on my website under Works in Progress. Gem is a collaborative piece with my husband and it has more fight scenes in it and is less steamy.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?
I would like to say thank you to all my fans (new and existing). It’s been amazing to see how many people have come to love my characters as much as I do. I thank all my readers, editors and fans that have helped shaped my novels into what you will see, and frankly, helped shaped me into the author that I am today. I grew from your feedback and I honed my ability to tell you a story because of your direction. Again, THANK YOU.
I am also very grateful for the opportunity to appear on your blog, Kerri! I feel ‘grilled’ now and love the experience! It’s been a great experience and I hope you don’t mind getting the novel back in reply!
Now the fun stuff…GIVEAWAYS!
See the included image? This will be a solid sterling silver charm that is hand designed and carved by Paxton. He is generously creating one specifically for this novel release and is carving Tillian’s Rose that I will award to a winner once this pendant is cast and polished (should be any day). What you see is the wax carving of the final product.
Yes, I am going to give one away! It will be on a leather chord to the winner from those who post a review on either Amazon or GoodReads for Flame Thrower by 6/14. If you post two, you’ll have two chances to win!
I will not be de-duping the responses and I will assign a number to each name and then use to select a winner on 6/15. I will notify the lucky person through email. If you are not connected through FB, Twitter or email, please make sure you send this to me so I can connect with you. From there will have 48 hours to send me your address and then it will be shipped directly to you.
You can connect with me at the below places:
Twitter: @AliceWadexx!/AliceWadexx
Facebook: Alice Wade
Come explore my world!
Well, I must say I have now decided I need a copy of Talon. Again, thank you Alice it has been a true pleasure to interview you and learn what makes you tick.
Good luck everyone and happy writing and reading.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
50k in 30 Days Challenge, I'm in! (trouble that is)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
International Chick-lit month: Which came first? The chicken or the egg or the chick-lit book or the movie and which I would prefer.

Pop on over and read my thoughts and let me know what you think.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Reader under the scope in thirteen questions with Annette Payne

- Tell us a little about yourself:
I'm 37 years of age, I grew up in Sydney South until I was 20 and then moved near the Blue Mountains. I moved to the Mid-North coast approximately 5yrs ago. I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl aged between 8-2. I love to read when I'm able, chat with family and friends on facebook, go camping, I love taking photo's and relax on our property. I've worked in different types of jobs from Vet Nursing, Repossions in the bank, Dog Grooming, Australia Post Mail Sorter, Horse Stud Manager & now finally a Goat Farmer. I've always been a country girl at heart but stuck in the city.
- What kind of reading material do you read?
I love a good romance books with a bit of drama thrown in.
Who the heck doesn't Annette.
- Where do purchase your books?
Since our local book store closed down last year, I've had to find most my books from Big W, Target or K-Mart. Nothing saddens me more then seeing all these books stores closing down.
- Do you have a favourite book and or author?
I have a few favourite books, the latest one was Taking Back His Widow by Kerri Williams. When I was younger I loved the Horse Whisper by Nicholas Evans and Judy Blume was another favourite author.
Bahahaha, and how much do I owe you for that inconspicuous plug :)
- What do you look for when you purchase your reading material?
It has to catch my attention straight away, I have a few books here that I haven't fully read yet as they just haven't grabbed my attention from the start. If it's got a country theme or romance, along with a great story line, there is a good chance I will be buying it.
- Do you think book trailers are a good marketing tool?
Absolutely! I love book trailers! Most the time you will find that the book trailers are made from the Author themselves. It gives you an idea on how the Author themselves see the story. I could imagine a person in the book in a certain way, but to see how the Author pictures the person and the landscape in the book etc really sets how you see the whole thing.
- Have you found your favourite authors on facebook, goodreads, twitter, google+, etc and other social media and if so do you interact?
I'm a true fan of finding my favourite Authors on Facebook. I've found a few this way and talked to them all. Most authors are friends with other authors as well, and thanks to that I've found more authors and more books to read. It's an excellent tool for authors and readers.
I absolutely agree Annette, even I have made friends with great authors via either book clubs or other author. Some I even approached after I read their book and just wanted them to know how much I enjoyed it. I know as an author I enjoy hearing that a reader liked my book so much they felt compelled to share it with me.
- Have you joined any book clubs or reading associations, if not does this interest you?
I admit I haven't joined any, due to my busy schedule but the thought of it does sound interesting. The question is, where do you find the good ones?
I will give you some, even I love book clubs and I've found a few really awesome books lately that I really don't think I would have heard about without them.
- What is your pet peeve in a story?
I can't really say I have a pet peeve in a story. I do get disappointed when a unique story turns to “Oh I know what is going to happen next and it does” I love twists but I must admit most of what I have read recently has been unique in its own way. I'm disapp that books end, they should have a rule that there is a 1 year later or even 5 years later part in all books. So we know what happened to our favourite characters. I often finish books and wonder what happened to the people.
An epilogue- I use them because I'm the same. I want to know what happened to them later.
- Are you reading anything at the moment?
Just about to start reading A Song In The Daylight by Paullina Simons.
- What do you think of it so far?
Its a tragic story, Larissa Stark is a beautiful woman who plays many roles in her life: wife, mother, devoted friend. She has everything she ever wanted, until a chance encounter with a stranger changes Larissa's idyllic existence forever, leading her to question all the things she once believed were true. Faced with impossible choices and contemplating the unthinkable, Larissa struggles with an eternal mystery: how does one woman follow a divided heart?
Spanning the upscale suburbs of New Jersey, the slums of Manila and the desolate beauty of the Australian outback, A Song in the Daylight is a story of the bonds that unite us and the desires that drives us apart.
Whoa Annette, you should write reviews.
- What’s your most favourite part?
Its still to early in the book to tell.
- Who would you recommend this book to?
At the moment I would definitely recommend this book , It was recommended to me by a friend.
Well thank you Annette for participating today and I'll make sure I get that payment and Book club list to as soon as I can. lol
Happy reading and writing everyone.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Author Spotlight Shines On: Patrizia Murray

Tell us a little about yourself and how you became a writer
I’ve been writing stories ever since I can remember, but was first published in the local weekly newspaper when I wrote the high school news, sports, etc. I also wrote a column while I was in High School.
Wow, I wish we had a newspaper at school here in Australia.
I know you write different genres like myself but do you have a certain theme or trademark to your stories?
No. Stories come to me from people I know, experiences I have had, historical themes, adventures I have had, whatever.
Do you have an agent and how important do you think they are in the publication world?
I’ve been writing, publishing, editing, marketing my whole life for one thing & another, so no, I don’t think I need an agent.
It's amazing how many authors don't feel they need an agent these days. I will be pitching to an agent in August at the RWA conference I hope and I know I won't be knocking back their services. Although, these are the days of digital and that has made the agent era more difficult.
Are you a ‘go with the flow’ writer or do you have structure?
I am a died in the wool ‘pantser’, can’t ever utilize structure. The stories unfold almost as if I were reading someone else’s story. I often have no clear plot in mind when I start, & often the characters mold their own plot as we go along.
I understand that completely.
Have you always wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
I have been a social worker, vocational counsellor, graphic artist, librarian, newspaper owner, advertising salesperson, editor, ad agency owner, student program administrator, realtor. I likely am somewhat ADD, & just go where the spirit takes me. All those careers come inhandy for my characters.
What groups are you affiliated with and how have they helped you through your journey of publication?
Romance Writers of America is my mainstay. They have great seminars, workshops, speakers, & above all they are unfailingly helpful & supportive in all that every member does.
I have Romance Writers Australia and I have no idea where I would be without them. LOST comes to mind.
How much marketing do you involve yourself in and with the mass consumption of social media, does this play a part in your marketing choice?
I do whatever book signings I can, & belong to many on line info sites, blogs, etc, including Facebook, Linkedin, & lots of others.
Here’s a random one for you. If you could be one animal, which would it be and why?
I’m allergic to most animals, so I don’t think I’d want to be one at all. Maybe if I had to choose, it would be a large bird like an eagle so I could fly.
With your titles and covers, did you get much of a say in this matter and how important is it to you to have input?
I was a graphic artist in another life, so it’s quite important for me to have input.
Do you have any tips for other aspiring writers or authors out there?
Write what you know, write often, work on more than one book at a time, don’t overthink what you have written, don’t over-analyse, don’t over-revise, don’t feel like you have to take everyone’s advice, read everything in your genre that you can, & submit, submit, submit. Don’t let a rejection get you down. It’s your story they are rejecting, not you. And if all else fails, self-publish. Never give up
Well said!
So, I think we’ve gotten to know you a little now. How’s about we step it up a notch. Are you panicking? Lol. Do you have any dirty little secrets or confessions you’d like to share with us- what’s on the blog stays on the blog, right guys. (wink)
I write under two different names—one is general & YA fiction, the other is contemporary erotic romance. I don’t want people who google me to find the erotic stuff unless they are sure that’s what they want. If I write YA & children’s sometimes the readers of those genres don’t want to know that the author also writes erotic romance.
Where’s your favourite place to write?
I have a fully equipped office for my other jobs in my home. It’s light, bright & I can see trees, birds, & watch the golfers going by. I listen to classical music, or occasionally ABBA while I write.
Classical, yes. ABBA I draw a firm line. Sorry ;)
Tell us of your releases- where and when can we buy them?
All my books are on You can find all my book trailers on You can purchase any of them either for e-reader or Print On Demand.
Lucinda’s Grooms
This is the first in the Montgomery/Marquette Greentree saga, Although Evalina’s Gamble stands alone, many of the same characters and locations begin in Lucinda’s Grooms.
In 1914, Lucinda is loved by two cousins, Jack and Ford. She loves them both, but marries Jack. Ford comes home from the Great War in
When they meet the family of Ford’s first wife who was killed in
Can their three way love brave the town gossips and keep the
From rural
Evalina’s Gamble
Second in the Greentree saga, we find Jean-Gilles Marquette, a French industrialist, and Evalina Carstairs, a flapper, who meet on an ocean liner heading to
Books 3 & 4 of the Greentree saga are in the works & will likely publish in 2013.
Mia’s Blind Date
While Rob is being held hostage by rebel forces who have kidnapped him from his oil rig job, Mia is about to marry Colby. After a hilarious meeting at a blind date, Mia and Rob have parted over his decision to leave her for two years and work in the volatile Mid-East. Rob dreams of returning to Mia, and Mia realizes she can’t marry Colby till she finds out Rob’s fate. Will Rob return to her? Will Colby wait for her? Who will she choose?
Suzien’s Second Love
Suzien has a settled but dull life with her son and both sets of her son’s grandparents. She hasn’t dated since her one true love was killed in a plane crash while she was pregnant. Can John, a man eleven years her junior, make her see that love knows no age? That he loves her for everything about her, not just her looks that may fade long before his looks do? Can the hot sex between them change Suzien’s mind about being seen by the town and the grandparents as a cougar?
Freddi’s Collection
Why do three separate buyers want the acreage that Freddi has inherited from her inventor father? What is the mysterious concrete structure on the property with no doors or windows? Is bad boy biker Brian on her side or the other side in the attempts to buy her out? Brian’s motorcycle injuries give both of them time to think about what they really want from life, and to decide if their love can overcome the barriers they have set up against each other, and to solve the mysteries her father has left behind.
Coming Soon
Sophie’s Calgary Stampede
Marda’s Muse
Feeling like Joan Wilder in Romancing the Stone, Marda is sniffling her way through allergy season, nearly finished her newest romance novel. Marda is the best friend of Justine, of Justine’s Auction fame. Since Justine’s marriage to Ryan, Marda has been feeling like a fifth wheel whenever she’s around her friends. Now, as she finds herself wishing for a hero like those she writes about, opportunity for a new life is about to knock on her door. As she embarks on a Joan Wilder type adventure, will her life imitate her art?
Bella’s Song
A melty chocolate voice that spans nearly four octaves, introduces Daniel to Bella, a world famous singer of everything from opera to Broadway, with stops in between for a little jazz, a little country, and a little Rock ‘n’ Roll. He would follow that siren’s call anywhere she led, but the threads that hold them together are mysterious and full of longing. He needs to make sure his songbird is safe from all that threatens her, including himself.
Fantastic Line up.
In one word, how would you best describe yourself?
My family says we all have a flaky streak, so I guess you could say Flaky. I’d prefer Adventurous, but it’s probably flaky.
I love the flaky.
Now that we’re all friends, tell us your most embarrassing moment?
I can always laugh at myself, so nothing ever embarrasses me.
Pft, I embarrass myself daily but yes I can laugh about it too.
Do you have any upcoming signings or author appearances you would like to share?
Next one that I know of now, is the Glendale Arizona Chocolate Affaire in Feb 2013, plus I’ll be signing at our local RWA chapter in June.
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?
Only that I always wanted to go to Australia, & had actually bought a ticket to go there at one time, but I fell in love, & stayed home. Never made it to Oz. Maybe some day.
I forgive yo, LOVE trumps all!!!
It has been a true pleasure to have you here Patrizia and if anyone wants to learn more about Patrizia and her books go to her website
If you would like to be a guest as a reader, writer or author please email me.
Happy reading and writing