KN: I still believe in romance. I still believe in happily ever after. Not to say that everything in life will go smoothly all the time but I still have the heart of a romantic. And frankly, keeping the faith and believing in love even when times are bad is what makes it all the more worthwhile.
That’s what I like to read about and that’s what I love to write. But...unlike real life...the more conflict in the stories...the better!
I know you write different genres like myself but do you have a certain theme or trademark to your stories?
KN: Yes, most all of my stories will have some type of legal, law enforcement, or suspense element to them. I think I may only have about one or two stories that are not really suspenseful. Otherwise, all my stories fit under my own author tagline of “Romance so good, it should be illegal.”
I love that tag line KN.
How do your stories come to life, from fiction or fantasy?
KN: I like to base my stories on people I have known in my real life. Of course, names have been changed to protect the guilty but I think if you have enough “real life” qualities in each of your characters it will make their fictional characteristics all the more intriguing.
As far as my story creation process is concerned…I typically start with the title. Then the main story idea followed by the characters and then I just write. I don’t do a lot of plotting. Occasionally, I’ll do a very loose outline but mostly I let my characters take me by the hand and lead me where they want to go. I very rarely know the ending before I get there.
Are you a ‘go with the flow’ writer or do you have structure?
KN: I pretty much answered that above but I will add that every time I do attempt to plot the story beforehand, it really restricts my creative flow. I’ll find myself trying to meet those plot goals and plot points and really struggling to get there. Whereas, if I just have the basic idea in mind and then just write freely, it is much more fun. You can really have a blast with paranormal and fantasy because your imagination can go wild!
How do you like your men Kerri, prince’s, cowboys, Joe’s, demons? I know a wounded soul tugs at me- not to mention good looks. (grin)
KN: Gosh, do I have to choose between them? I mean, can’t I have at least one of each? Hmmm…okay…well I guess in real life I love just an average guy who puts his family first above all else. To me, there’s nothing hotter than a good provider and a great protector.
But in my “fantasy” world, I do tend to lean towards the powerful, tortured heroes who fight with a vengeance to overcome their inner demons and win the heart of the damsel in distress.
How do you like your men Kerri, prince’s, cowboys, Joe’s, demons? I know a wounded soul tugs at me- not to mention good looks. (grin)
KN: Gosh, do I have to choose between them? I mean, can’t I have at least one of each? Hmmm…okay…well I guess in real life I love just an average guy who puts his family first above all else. To me, there’s nothing hotter than a good provider and a great protector.
What groups are you affiliated with and how have they helped you through your journey of publication?
KN: I’m a member of Romance Writers of America and various chapters thereof. I tend to gravitate toward several genre specific online chapters versus my local chapters. Although, I’ve tried several of both types. They’ve helped me meet wonderful friends, gain incredible support, and learn valuable less
ons throughout the years.
I’m also a member of Sisters In Crime and have recently completed my first real mystery novel that I’m now submitting for publication. I’m interested in seeing if I can wear a totally different genre hat as well.That organization puts out a brilliant newsletter that really gives you tremendous resources and keeps you up-to-date on the industry.
Here’s a random one for you. If you could be one animal, which would it be and why?
KN: A wolf. Because it is one of the few species that mate for life. If that’s not romantic, I don’t know what is…
I think penguins do as well, but yes you are right- wolves sound better. lol
What would you say is your inspiration to write in general and scene based?
KN: My inspiration to write in general is that I have all these ideas swimming around in my head and if I don’t get them down on paper—I’m afraid that my head will explode. Also, I love to share my imagination with others. If I can make one person laugh, cry, or feel “not so alone” out there then I’ve done my job.
My inspiration to write scene by scene…I like to think of this like making each chapter kind of like an episode of a series television show. Keep the reader wanting to know more. Keep them with the urge to turn the page. That’s how I motivate myself to stay inspired when the light at the end of the book tunnel seems far away.
Do you have any tips for other aspiring writers or authors out there?
KN: I think you should write what you love. Write the stories that you enjoy yourself. Don’t try to force yourself into a certain market or genre. If you don’t love the type of story you are writing, you’ll stall
yourself out before you can make any real progress. You have to love it to stick with it. That’s why I don’t limit myself to one genre. If I have a story that I love but it is way out in left field---ah---what the heck---let’s write it anyway. The journey is what it is all about for me.
So Kerri, I think we’ve gotten to know you a little now. How’s about we step it up a notch. Are you panicking? Lol. Do you have any dirty little secrets or confessions you’d like to share with us- what’s on the blog stays on the blog, right guys. (wink)
KN: Hmm…let me think. Okay, I’ll reveal this…I write under another pen name that no one knows. I only have one book out under this name but it is in no way associated with my Kerri Nelson books nor my K.G. Summers books (YA & Inspirational). It is yet ANOTHER pen name that is top secret. Ha! Ha! :-o
I'm googling it as soon as I get off this blog.
Where’s your favorite place to write?
KN: I’d love to say that it was some special place in my home or in the world but honestly…I’ll write wherever and whenever I can squeeze in a few moments. I have so many children, volunteer duties, business endeavors, and other distractions—I’ll write anytime and anywhere. I’ll also write with any background distractions—I’m immune to them now. If I’m in the zone, I’m in the zone.
I'm guilty of the immune virus, my children are quite testy about it..."MUM, are you listening?
" 'oops, nope'
What did you want to be when you were a child?
KN: I wanted to be a teacher. And I was the only girl my age in our entire neighborhood. The rest were boys and I made them all take classes from me. Complete with homework, gold stars, and the threat of a paddling if they didn’t behave! Yay teach!
The funny part is that they took me at my word. They followed my every command. If only I could get all the men in my life to do the same, eh?
With you on that one, KN.
Tell us of your releases- where and when can we buy them?
KN: Well, Courting Demons is available everywhere now. Don’t forget that if you want a print copy, you’d do great to pick it up directly from the publisher because they are giving away a free gift with purchase (while supplies last).
But next up for me is a special Edgar Allen Poe anthology that I’m thrilled to be a part of. It came about as a charity event to help raise funds to save the Baltimore Poe House and Museum. I’ve written two delightfully morbid poems as a tribute to one of the masters of suspense. I’m very excited about this.Anthology copies sold benefit the cause and can be pre-ordered directly from the publisher, Literary Landmark Press.
In one word Kerri, how would you best describe yourself?
KN: Ebulliant
Now that we’re all friends, tell us your most embarrassing moment?
KN: Geez…I try to forget them. There have been so many. Let’s see…
Once, when I lived in Japan, I bravely went to audition for a live production of the play “A Christmas Carol”. I imagined that it would be fun and easy. I’ve never been so unprepared in my entire life. I arrived to find the likes of a professional audition session and despite my fear—I went through with a live singing and dancing audition—totally unprepared. Needless to say, I didn’t get the part—any part. And I haven’t spoken of it since.
Do you have any upcoming signings or author appearances you would like to share?
KN: Be sure to keep following me on the remaining dates of my blog tour and finish up with a big Twitter Party on November 8th where I’ll be giving away that Amazon Kindle!
Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?
KN: Thanks to all my friends and cohorts who have continued to follow me on this freakishly long blog tour. Your support, caring, and persistence does my heart good. Thanks also to my name twin Kerri Williams. Typing my name with that last name always freaks me out. You’ve been a doll to host me today.Much love, mate.
You too Kez and best of luck with your new project. Stay tuned as Kerri has a giveaway but first is a blurb of her novel...
Courting Demons-

Paisley Barton was already having a bad day before she turned her husband into a rat.
First, she was fired by her boss and then came home to find hubby in the shower with a naked blonde chick. They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned but this break-up may just unleash hell on Earth when Paisley casts a spell of vengeance against her philandering husband.
After her spell casting inadvertently opens a portal between dimensions, Paisley finds her family home transformed into a nightly courtroom for settling disputes between demons of the underworld and she’s the judge! If that’s not enough, she’s got to deal with a charming, ancient demon named Camden who wants to be her personal bodyguard while trying to explain her husband’s sudden, mysterious disappearance to sexy police Detective Dalton Briggs.
But Paisley will show them all that an everyday working mom is better equipped than most to deal with the mystical mayhem…and with a tempting demon hottie and a flirtatious young detective vying for her affection, she soon learns that being single again isn’t so bad after all.
“When a wronged wife turns her cheating husband into a rat, you know you have to keep reading! Kerri Nelson offers up a lot of fun and wild magic in Courting Demons!” --Bestselling author, Linda Wisdom, Demons are a Girl’s Best Friend
Read more about Kerri’s books at her website:
Follow her on Twitter here:
Visit her industry blog here:
Buy Links (print and e-book versions available 9/15 wherever books are sold but here’s the publisher link—free gift available with purchase of print copy—while supplies last):
Leave a question or comment to be entered to win today’s prize: An e-book copy of Courting Demons!
Then, enter to win my book tour Grand Prize Kindle by following me on tour and e-mailing me the answers to each question of the day at the end of tour. The more questions you answer, the more entries you gain.
Question of the Day:
What’s the name of my novella which is set in Ireland?
Details on how to enter to win the GRAND PRIZE Kindle at the end of my “Dark Days of Demons Tour” located here:
Excerpt link for Courting Demons:
Well it has been a true pleasure having you here today Kerri.N. You have been absolutely awesome!
Good Luck readers and enjoy, I will be announcing the winner of Kerri's giveaway on Friday 28th 8:30 EDST